The Benefits of Air Filters for Your Health

Air filters can be a great way to reduce the health effects of some particulates, such as dust or light mists, in the air. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has stated that HEPA-type portable air purifiers have been shown to be beneficial for allergy and asthma symptoms, as well as for cardiovascular health. However, the benefit may be small and may not be due solely to air filters. Air cleaning devices, such as an air purifier, can help reduce the risk of developing respiratory diseases and even certain types of cancer.

Research has shown a strong correlation between PM2.5 levels and increased risk of diabetes. Reducing PM2.5 intake through the use of air purifiers and HEPA masks can dramatically reduce the chances of suffering from diabetes. Studies have also revealed that inhaling less polluted air can help significantly lower blood pressure to healthier levels. Even a small decrease in pollution from the air you breathe can have a significant impact on your blood pressure. The problem of air pollution is not limited to homes, but it also extends to workplaces.

According to a Harvard study, poor office air quality degrades employees' cognitive abilities, productivity, and work efficiency. Reducing PM2.5 levels in an office with a powerful HEPA air purifier can increase productivity and reduce sick days. HEPA air purifiers are very effective tools for eliminating airborne viruses and reducing the risk of contracting a virus. CDC research shows that HEPA filters reduced the spread of COVID-19 in schools by 41%.

HEPA filters also help reduce various markers of inflammation in the body, with the decrease in inflammation being seen within 48 hours. The World Health Organization (WHO) fact sheet reveals that there is a closer relationship between exposure to air pollution and cardiovascular diseases, such as stroke and ischemic heart disease, as well as between air pollution and cancer. HEPA air filters are energy efficient, but filters must be changed once every three months for optimal benefits. Droplet cores: small droplets of moisture carrying infectious pathogens of approximately 1 to 5 μm in diameter remain suspended in the air for several hours due to their size and are carried by air currents over considerable distances. Some air purifiers with UV lights can kill smaller pathogens, but there are no specific studies to show that they can destroy the new coronavirus. When buying an air purifier, it's essential to check certain factors, such as its HEPA filtration and ACH rating.

Adopting good cleaning habits and reducing potential sources of pollution can also contribute to cleaner indoor air. Over a 6-month period, the effectiveness of air filters in capturing particulates and allergens was measured. An efficient air purifier keeps indoor air free of pollutants, reducing the chances of breathing difficulties caused by asthma. Many air purifiers contain several filters, one for particulates, one for gases, and many more for gases, chemicals, or odors. Tests did not show that air filters significantly reduced allergens or animal pollen found in the air. Consulting with professionals or experts in the field can provide personalized advice and guidance on the most suitable air cleaning devices and strategies for a particular home.

Air purifiers use fans to suck air through one or more filters, trap various contaminants, and then circulate the cleanest air back to the room.

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