Do I Need a Special Air Conditioner Filter for My Home Heating and Cooling System?

Many people mistakenly believe that air conditioner and furnace filters are different, but they are actually the same. Your Texas home heating and cooling system has a filter that you can call a boiler filter in winter and an air conditioning filter in summer. A HEPA filter for HVAC is more complex than the typical frame and membrane filter, and it may not be suitable for every home. This filter traps tiny particles that can damage the air conditioning system and cause breathing difficulties, so it's essential to keep it in good condition.

To determine the best filter for your home, consider the needs of your occupants and the CADR or MERV ratings of your air filters. It's critical to get an exact fit for your air filter, as an incorrect size will restrict air flow and affect your boiler in winter and air conditioning in summer. The Home Depot offers a full range of air filter accessories to help keep your system running at peak performance. In addition to replacing or cleaning the air filter regularly, you should maintain your air conditioning system at least once a year. Fiberglass filters are one of the most affordable options, but they may not be suitable for all air conditioning systems or people in the household.

Pleated filters have MERV ratings ranging from eight to 13, which is the highest possible rating for high-quality residential HVAC systems. In the South, where central air conditioning is more important than heating, you'll call it an air filter or air conditioner filter. All utility systems need a fuel source, usually gas for the furnace and electricity for the air conditioner. Pleated filters can last up to 90 days if they don't have to work too hard, while fiberglass filters generally have a lifespan of 30 days. To ensure that your home heating and cooling system is running efficiently, it's important to choose the right type of air filter. Consider the needs of your occupants and the CADR or MERV ratings of your air filters.

Make sure you get an exact fit for your air filter, as an incorrect size will restrict air flow and affect your boiler in winter and air conditioning in summer. Regularly replace or clean your air filter and maintain your air conditioning system at least once a year.

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